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2024 Blogs in Review: Broadband and Connectivity in the Digital Age

2024 Blogs in Review: Broadband and Connectivity in the Digital Age

broadband connectivity 2024 recap blog

In 2024, the broadband industry witnessed transformative growth, driven by technological advancements and strategic initiatives to bridge the digital divide. From the rapid deployment of 5G networks and high-speed internet to underserved communities, to the adoption of cutting-edge solutions like managed Wi-Fi and DOCSIS 4.0, we saw a change in the digital landscape to make connectivity faster, more reliable, and accessible to everyone.

In this blog, we’re highlighting the Top 4 most impactful developments that we wrote about in 2024 – developments that have laid the foundation for a more digitally inclusive future, empowering individuals, businesses, and communities alike. 

Managed Wi-Fi: The Smart Investment for Seamless Connectivity

In a recently published industry blog, we explored the idea of managed Wi-Fi and the big impact it’s having on our infrastructure. You’ve probably heard the term “managed Wi-Fi,” but maybe don’t quite understand what it is. In short, managed Wi-Fi centralizes the management of multiple access points to provide robust, reliable connectivity across large residential or commercial spaces.

Managed Wi-Fi is ideal for highly-populated environments like multi-dwelling units (MDUs), office complexes, and college campuses where there could be hundreds of users connecting with smart devices and need reliable internet access. Managed Wi-Fi eliminates dead zones for seamless, uninterrupted coverage throughout the entire area.

Technical Infrastructure of Managed Wi-Fi

There are multiple ways to build a managed Wi-Fi network depending on the size of the MDU. Typically, the high-speed connection is delivered to the building with a fiber drop, passes through the main distribution frame (MDF) and flows out to the individual units through category cables. In large buildings, fiber cable and an intermediate distribution frame (IDF) are used to extend the network’s reach.

infrastructure of managed wi-fi network

Why Managed Wi-Fi is the Preferred Solution

Managed Wi-Fi offers more than just robust connectivity, it gives building owners:

  • Reliable connectivity through uninterrupted internet access across MDUs or office complexes, eliminating dead zones and interference.
  • Tenant appeal by attracting residents or businesses, boosting occupancy rates.
  • Strong ROI because it enhances property value and generates recurring income, benefiting both new and existing properties.
  • Improved security through dedicated user credentials to protect devices and strengthen network security.
  • Effortless management with simplified operations for property owners, saving time and effort.

How PPC Supports Service Providers

PPC offers service providers a robust product portfolio of fiber and category products, along with decades of connectivity expertise, to easily implement a managed Wi-Fi network.

Read about managed Wi-Fi and how we can help you grow your network in full blog:
Learn More About Managed Wi-Fi On Our Blog


Broadband for All: The U.S. Broadband Equity Access and Deployment Program

The Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program is an initiative established under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) to address the digital divide in the United States. With an allocation of $42.45 billion in federal funding distributed over several years, BEAD aims to extend high-speed broadband access to underserved and unserved areas, ensuring all communities and households gain the connectivity needed for economic growth, education, healthcare, and more. By prioritizing equitable access, BEAD seeks to empower every community with the tools necessary to thrive in a digital world.

The BEAD Program has a phased rollout that involves several key steps to ensure the areas where broadband access is needed the most receive the proper funding to build out the networks.

  1. Submissions of Funding Proposals (completed): States and entities submitted their initial proposals for their broadband deployment plans.
  2. Challenge Process (ongoing): Broadband coverage maps are undergoing verification to confirm the accuracy of the areas designated as “served,” “underserved,” or “unserved.”
  3. Subgrantee Final Proposals (ongoing): Eligible entities that have submitted initial proposals select subgrantees who will execute the infrastructure projects and submit a final proposal.
  4. Distribution of Funds (ongoing): The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) is working to distribute funds for approved proposals.
  5. Infrastructure Development (upcoming): The entities that have been awarded funds will begin implementing the infrastructure they laid out in their development plans.

BEAD program timeline to make the internet a ubiquitous utility by 2030

This BEAD Program aims for 100 percent broadband coverage nationwide by 2030, making it a transformative investment in the country’s digital future. Through careful planning and strategic implementation achieving a digitally inclusive future is a goal well within reach.

Click here to find our full blog about the BEAD Program and the products we offer for your infrastructure projects:
Read our full blog about the BEAD Program


Understanding DOCSIS 4.0: The Future of Broadband Infrastructure

The year 2024 also brought with it the latest evolution in DOCSIS technology, promising to deliver 50 percent faster data transmission. The current Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS) framework, 3.1, offered many advancements over its predecessors, but the new standard, DOCSIS 4.0, is set to provide symmetrical 10 Gbps download speeds and four times faster upstream rates with reduced latency.

This means healthcare practitioners can access and update patient records with the click of a mouse, remote workers can attend video conferences without lag, and all internet users can access the latest digital content at the drop of a dime.

Docsis 3.1 to Docsis 4.0 communications technology data rate differences

DOCSIS 4.0 is expected to, not only meet the demands of a digital-first world where streaming, gaming; real-time collaboration; and cloud-based applications are integral to daily life, but also provide enhanced network security. It provides better security profile management, adopts a stronger Public Key Infrastructure, and enforces stricter device authentication standards, aiming to avoid serious security breaches within a network.

With DOCSIS technology ever evolving, rest assured knowing DOCSIS 4.0 supports Full Duplex Communication, and an extended frequency range so upgrades to future networks can happen without the need to overhaul the entire network.

We’ve gone into more detail on our blog, breaking down the key features and benefits of DOCSIS 4.0: 
Find out how the future of DOCSIS 4.0 can impact you


Macro Cells and Beyond – Navigating 5G Wireless Expansion

We keep talking about the need for faster speeds and reduced latency, and it may sound like a broken record, but that’s the goal of all broadband technology in this digital age. The transition from 4G to 5G continued to reshape connectivity in 2024 and will be at the forefront of the wireless conversation for years to come.

While 4G laid the foundation for mobile download speeds hitting 1 Gbps and latency ranging from 60 to 98 milliseconds, 5G offers enhanced capabilities with download speeds up to 10 Gbps and latency under 5 milliseconds.

However, 5G’s high-band connectivity requires a denser network of wireless sites, including macro cell, small cell, and in-building networks, to ensure seamless coverage. Expanding 5G coverage is essential to unlock its full potential for smart cities, IoT devices, autonomous vehicles, and real-time communication.

Types of 5G Wireless Applications

  • Macro Cells: Strategically placed towers in rural areas, along highways, and in suburban neighborhoods provide fast, reliable connectivity to large groups of users across wide areas.
  • Small Cells: Networks, often deployed on streetlights, utility poles, or within stadiums and arenas, enhance wireless coverage and capacity in high-demand areas like urban centers and crowded venues.
  • In-Building Solutions: Wireless networks that ensure reliable connectivity and faster speeds for smart devices and services within large structures like offices, homes, malls, and hospitals.

Our Role in Promoting Fast Connectivity

PPC drives 5G deployment with innovative infrastructure solutions built for speed and reliability. These include coaxial jumpers and power cables that ensure stable, efficient signal transmission; fiber-to-the-antenna (FTTA) cables for high-speed data transfer critical to 5G performance; and protective cabinets that shield fiber management panels, and other equipment, from environmental challenges, ensuring durability and peak functionality.

5g wireless macro cells, small cells, and in-building solutions

As 5G networks expand, these infrastructure components play a vital role in ensuring robust, reliable, and high-speed connectivity, empowering service providers to meet the growing demands of modern users.

To understand more about the transition to 5G, read our full blog here: 

See how our products integrate into 5G wireless networks

2024 showcased remarkable advancements in broadband and wireless technologies, setting the stage for an even more connected and digitally inclusive future. By partnering with PPC, service providers can deliver a robust, secure, and easily managed network infrastructure that supports users wherever they are.

We're attending dozens of industry events in 2025 where you can see our solutions first-hand and learn how we can help bring you into the future of broadband.

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